Karma Yoga – Three Month Intensive Program
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What Is It?
The Three Month Intensive Program brings spiritual awakening into the modern context – by integrating meditation, psychology, environment, career, and community. This program is for those who appreciate that the most challenging experiences are also the most rewarding.
Who Are We?
Participants in our 2019 Buddhas in Action Retreat made this video to give you a taste of our center. Buddhas in Action is a two-week condensed version of the Three Month Intensive.
What Is Karma Yoga?
Westerners are do-ers. Used to modern life, many struggle sitting still on the meditation cushion for many hours a day. This is why we believe Karma Yoga is the path of the future.
This program teaches various meditation styles, but Karma Yoga is the main focus. Karma Yoga treats every action, task, and interaction as a practice in mindfulness, a meditation in action. With curiosity, we look to see what’s going on in each moment, from cooking dinner to working on the computer.
You will learn how to turn every moment into a meditation. Career, relationships, and daily life become opportunities for transformation.
Immersed in a community of people doing the same, you’ll experience a sense of connection and honest communication that you may not have experienced before.
The result: less loneliness and suffering, greater fulfillment and energy – and a powerful sense of feeling alive!
Study Curriculum
It isn’t enough to be blissful or calm just when you’re meditating. This program seeks to bring mindful awareness into every moment.
Using the framework of the Buddhist Noble Eightfold path, we integrate ancient principles with the modern world by drawing on teachings by Peter Senge, Ken Wilbur, Otto Sharmer, and many more modern thought leaders.
This curriculum empowers students with skills that benefit career, relationships and day-to-day life.
As part of a conscious community, the Three-Month Intensive Program includes participation in all activities involved with running a meditation center. Our routine includes morning and evening group meditations, three meals, classes, morning contemplations, as well as fun and exploratory activities. Living fully in community is an integral part of the program – it is both a challenge and a joy, and is the source of much of the learning and insights you can expect here.
Areas Of Focus
- Communication
- Leadership
- Teamwork
- The Shadow
- Mindful Awareness
You may be assigned a main department depending on you skills and interest. Areas of focus can include:
- Food Forestry/Permaculture
- Building and land maintenance
- Marketing strategy and support
- Cooking, recipe development, food inventory management
- Business and fund (donor) development
- Administrative and IT assistance
- Program and event coordination
- These could form up to two hours per day of your time on site, depending on the needs of management. The main focus of your stay would be supporting the general functioning of the center, including meals, cleaning and maintenance, preparation for programs, and farm and other outside work.
If you don’t see your skills listed here and you are interested in our Karma Yoga program, please contact us. We are excited to hear what you have to share!
Tuition & Finances
Tuition is $1950 for the three months. This price includes Karma Yoga programming and education modules, guidance and training from your guide and the onsite community, food, accommodation, as well as two nights on personal retreat in our cabins.
While at Clear Sky you will learn about the ancient transformative practice of dana. Additional classes and programs offered by our founding Teachers, Doug and Catherine Sensei, are given on the premise of this practice.
Budget $75-100 week. Expenses during your stay will include offering dana for guidance interviews and courses with the founding teachers, going off site, eating out, and exploring the beauty of the surrounding area. It is a 40-60 minute drive to Cranbrook, Fernie or Kimberley.
Have minimum savings of $CAD 2,000 for when you leave. It is important not to have financial concerns weighing you down during your stay. If your next step is not clear, and you need to find a home, job, and cover living costs in the meantime, we need to know that your stay at Clear Sky will not get you into financial hardship.
As a general pattern, we have experienced that spiritual types can lack attention to some practical financial details. For this reason, we consider it compassionate to have these requirements in place, to set you up for success before, during and after your stay.
Lastly, we go to great care to prepare for your arrival and particularly in the first month we offer a lot of energy and time to help you enter into the program and the community. To respect our time, and to reflect the importance of the commitment to the program, we have the following policy around refunds and cancellations.
(a) we require a non-refundable $650 deposit upon registration
(b) the remaining $1300 tuition is due two weeks before your arrival.
(c) After one month, we will do a review with you to mutually agree on continuing the program. In the (rare) event that you do not wish to continue or we ask you to leave at the one month review (or if you change your plans or decide to leave anytime after paying the final $1300 balance) we will refund $650. After the one month review, assuming it’s mutually agreed to continue, there are no further refunds.
Learn more about the program here: https://www.clearskycenter.org
Available Dates
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David Basu Roy
It’s an idyllic environment with mountains and fresh air, and daily you’re exposed to poignant teachings that get to the core.

Maryline Fortier
Studying at Clear Sky has been the most powerful and transformative experience in my life.
Location / Contacts
- Address : Cockell Rd, Bull River, BC V0B 1N0, Canada
- Website : https://www.clearskycenter.org/
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